
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization that works to maintain peace and security, promote human rights, and cooperate on global issues. The UN has 193 member states and various specialized agencies, such as the World Health Organization, the UNICEF, and the UNESCO.
Model United Nations, commonly known as MUN, is an academic simulation of the UN. It is conducted at schools and colleges, where students of different grades can participate. In MUN, students are assigned the role of delegates representing different countries. They discuss world problems in committees that are the simulation of UN committees.
MUN is an exciting extracurricular activity that offers many benefits for the students and the school. By participating in MUN, students can enhance their knowledge of world issues, develop their research and public speaking skills, and improve their confidence and leadership abilities. MUN also fosters empathy, critical thinking, and teamwork among the students.
At Matribhumi School, we have been conducting MUN for the past three years. Our students have discussed various topics, such as climate change, human rights, terrorism, and nuclear disarmament, in MUN. They have also participated in MUN conferences at national and international levels, where they have won several awards and recognition.
MUN is a great platform where young and intelligent minds get together and find ways to address global issues. This paves the way for becoming global citizens.